Food as medicine: Eating for health - Ep. 76

Source: Health 360 with Dr. G

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -- Hippocrates

Food is more than fuel – it plays an integral role in our lives, including social, emotional and spiritual components.

Most people know nutrition is important for good health and well-being. The difficulty lies in changing well-worn habits that include fast, easy, processed, unhealthy food choices.

Nutrition may seem complicated, but it’s not. The hard part is breaking free of unhealthy habits. The standard American diet is filled with processed food, refined grains, sugar, carbs and sodium, which promote an inflammatory state. (We know it’s bad for us, but it’s so easy, fast and tasty, right?).

So, how do we stick with a healthier everyday diet? 

Get detailed information and tips in Episode 76, where Dr. G and his guest, Colin Zhu, DO, talk about how to build a balanced diet plan that can help protect you from disease and promote a healthier state of being.


Stories & Insights: Meet Colin Zhu


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